International Associations
- Created in 1986.
- 1,800 accredited experts.
- 4,700 employees.
- Members of a professional association accredited by the IFAC.
- CharterGroup partner in the United Kingdom.
- Present in more than 400 towns and cities worldwide.
- Ranked 14th in the world (International Accounting Bulletin 2010).
- A multi-cultural association founded on respect for differences.
Internationalisation, market globalisation, the increase and complexity of the stakes and risks involved, result in an economic environment in constant change.
In view of these challenges and major upheavals, and the strategic choices they entail, outlining specific and precise information is essential to business leaders’ decisions. An Audit is perceived as a mission of excellence by members of the EuraAudit International association.
Each firm, active and reactive member of the EuraAudit International association, commits its multidisciplinary competences and fully involves its teams in order to supervise the development and growth of companies and institutions, which in turn trust and recognise their professionalism, which consequently secures our clients’ partnerships.
The Power of a Structured Association
The EuraAudit International members, in view of their clients’ objectives and priorities, allocate for each assignment the personnel, the means and the skills required to ensure its complete success.
Partner of CharterGroup, EuraAudit International, a global presence, undertakes important missions in the major economic metropolis. EuraAudit International also collaborates with Interlegal, international network of commercial law firms.
Each audit report is drafted and validated by an expert, member of a professional association approved by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).